Post by ~*Snowstep on Mar 20, 2007 7:55:26 GMT -8
1. No Profanity. Be respectful! 2. Before you can RP you MUST POST A BIO!! Then I must look at it and post something like, "ACCEPTED" before you can start RPing in threads (though you CAN go to the OOC section and play games etc. ^^). Additionally, no other animals, ONLY cats, unless it's asked and approved of. 3. Don't ask to be a leader, deputy or medicine cat when there already is one, please. If you think they should be replaced, PM me about it. 4. No shortenings like "KEWL". "u" is mostly fine, just not the annoying ones in the RPs. (They are allowed in the Cbox.) Also, please don't have SUPER big signatures that stretch the page TOO much!! 5. Do not give your real name or your location. It's for your own safety. 6. RP well. Use the edit button if you messed up, and PLEASE don't double or triple post if you can help it. 7. Yes, you can have kits but there are rules: I. Only queens (who already have kits), warriors, deputies, and male leaders may have kits. II. Find another Warrior willing to share the kits with you, must be of opposite gender. (Both cats don't HAVE TO be in the same clan, but if your leader finds out while RPing you CAN get kicked out of the clan! *shhhhhh* SECRET!) III. After RPs showing that the cats really are in love, you may ask for kits (by posting a new thread at the Character request page). IV. Admins will reply to the thread (accepting or declining the request), and the leader of the kits' clan should post a ceremony for it. Remember: their coats should be a combination of their parents' or ancestors'. 8. 13 characters for staff (admins & sub-admins), and 10 for members. 9. No References to literary Warriors. If you have the same name as a new Erin Hunter character that's okay, but don't use them on purpose. 10. Always uphold the warrior code! You need a special code word in your sign-up bio to show you have read the rules, and you can find it by reading the Warrior Code page. 11. No godmoding, auto-hitting, or powerplaying, so you can win a fight or other dispute. Godmoding - Your cat is invincible and can dodge everything. Auto-hitting - Hitting your opponent automatically in battle or otherwise. Give your opponent a chance to dodge. If he or she always dodges, that is known as godmoding (see above). Power-playing - Controlling another person's character and saying they took actions they did not. It takes two people to RP. When you're RPing, you're not telling the whole story, only your character's half of it. 12. NO PLAGIARISM!!!!! If I see any of this I will either give you a dire warning or simply delete you. Here is the definition of plagiarism: The taking of another's work without permission and posting it without proper citation. 13. Do not post advertisements to your site anywhere but in advertisements. Here is the password for all locked boards!: kitty~Snowstep -Some rules from Warriors of the Forest RPG-
Post by lakeripple on Jul 2, 2009 14:04:24 GMT -8
Clan Information
~FireClan~ Welcome to the inferno
In a brilliant haze of smoke and flame rise FireClan, always ready to dominate and control. FireClan is perhaps the most misunderstood Clan, often feared and run from. But most of the cats are always ready to lend a helping hand to those in need. Behind their mask of anger and nonchalance, FireClan is really a caring Clan who just wish they were better understood.
Much of the false pretenses about FireClan come from their twisted and cruel deputy, Foxcloud. Foxcloud wishes to rule over every Clan and manipulates the leader to her bidding. Though most cats disagree with her, she is stronger than most and in a position of power.
When FireClan cats fight it is with ferocity. Their techniques are unparalleled and their moves tight. However, FireClan cats often fight best when angry and are lost otherwise.
~WaterClan~ Watch out, here comes the flood
From the crashing ocean to the calm lake comes WaterClan, levelheaded and protective. WaterClan may not be the most dominant Clan, but they are influential in their own, more peaceful way. There is always a plan that is based on the Clan's survival, though that might not always be what's right.
WaterClan can be slow to make up their minds, but just like a wave crashing down, after the choice is made, it is hard to turn back. The cats of this Clan will stick hard to whatever decision is made and will follow their leader and deputy without complaint. The warrior code is very important to the cats of WaterClan.
When WaterClan cats fight their moves are smooth and flowing, easily moving into different positions and techniques. Their movements cannot be matched by any other Clan, but once they decide what to do there is no turning back.
~SkyClan~ We command the storm
Cloudbanks and whispering breezes collect into SkyClan, openminded and quick-thinking. SkyClan is a good Clan to have on your side because they can see every possibility. These cats are always open to new ideas, but they know which ones can sting you and are therefore sometimes hostile for seemingly no reason.
SkyClan can be impulsive and easily influenced but they also have a strong sense of right and wrong. This is a Clan that is not afraid to break the warrior code if their heart and/or head tells them it is wrong. They can just as easily change their minds and go in a completely new direction.
When SkyClan cats fight they are quick and tricky. They seem to be watching the fight from someplace else and are able to know just where the openings pop up. However, they can be indecisive and choose at the last minute not to land a blow that would have made them win for SkyClan cats aren't prone to violence.
~EarthClan~ The Earth rumbles when we stomp
Rich soil and towering trees form EarthClan, strong and wise. Cats of EarthClan are good at putting thoughts into action and choosing the wisest course of action. Though they will listen to new ideas, EarthClan cats tend to prefer things they know work.
EarthClan is strong of mind and hard to sway when they have decided on something. That doesn't mean it isn't impossible, just that they are incredibly loyal to their Clan. The warrior code is important but that doesn't mean that it knows everything and EarthClan cats know when it should be followed to the letter and when it should be tweaked.
When EarthClan cats fight they are strong and almost impossible to move. They place their feet down like a dancer and no amount of pushing will get them to budge. This means, however, that they are slower than other cats and might not block all the blows in time.
~LightningClan~ With a flash of light we strike
Full of electrons and energy is LightningClan, swift and intelligent. Like SkyClan, LightningClan is impulsive, but not so easily swayed. Cats of LightningClan can find it hard to accept ideas they do not already know and once they have made a decision it is a waste of time to try and talk them away from it.
LightningClan cats know what works and what doesn't. They can take a while in getting to a decision, but once they do they hit it with all they have. What they choose is usually the smartest thing to do, and it almost always coincides with the warrior code.
When LightningClan cats fight they are fast and hard hitting, often showing no mercy and fighting with a ferocity that rivals even FireClan. They are very strong, though not so as EarthClan, but their movements are not fluid. Often they tire out quickly and need to rest right in the middle of the battle.
~High Hills Band~ Through cation to the wind... feel the freedom
The High Hills Band, known as the HHB, rules the rolling hills by LightingClan and EarthClan. Wandering rogues who find themselves in this territory are readily taken in by the cats here, who live each day like it's their last. They are organized much like a Clan, as the leader, Sunset, is born of Clan parents, but they value their freedom of thought and action far more than they ever could as Clan cats.
Cats in the HHB have firm ideas of right and wrong. They don't always have to agree, as every cat is free to their own opinion, but in the end they will always have come up with a compromise that everyone will follow. They are made up of cats who value intellect, those who love to battle, and those full of peace, so every side of an argument is always considered.
When HHB cats fight they fight as if dancing. There are no set moves, just the flow of the wind in their fur and the rustle of the grass under their feet. Everything is based on instinct, and though there are techniques that some cats choose to follow, most just let the adrenaline decide their actions. This makes them a very fast Clan, but they value defense over offense and often won't land many blows.
Which Clan are YOU?